Water Protection | Wrangler Sustainability



Wrangler works throughout the cotton supply chain and with industry, academic, and nonprofit partners to help producers improve yields, decrease inputs, fight erosion, andreduce greenhouse gas emissions. We’ve come to believe the surest way to achieve supply chain transformation is to consider the economics of downstream customers and upstream vendors.

The insights gained from our soil-health initiative and our desire to increase the quality and quantity of on-farm data drove Wrangler to invest in IT infrastructure on behalf of cotton growers, and it lead to the second paper in our Science and Conservation Series. Written in collaboration with farm-management software company, MyFarms, the report, From Burden to Benefit: Sustainability Data in the Agricultural Supply Chain, aims to help build collaboration between the diverse actors in agricultural supply chains and help brand sustainability managers launch on-farm programs.

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Wrangler Science and Conservation Series

In our first paper, Seeding Soil’s Potential, Wrangler illustrated how farmland can serve as an ecological asset. Sustainable farming practices have the potential to reverse topsoil loss, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preserve biodiversity and protect groundwater—all while feeding and clothing a growing population.

In From Burden to Benefit, we argue that field-level sustainability data can strengthen business relationships and improveenvironmental impacts throughout supply chains. From the seed manufacturer to the retailer, each link in an agricultural supply chain has unique needs and opportunities that can be served through better data tracking and analysis. The report draws on examples from the cotton supply chain (something that we know well) to illustrate broader concepts for the agricultural industry as a whole.

About our Co-authors

MyFarms is purpose-built, cloud-based software that helps growers report crop-management decisions up and down the agriculture value chain. MyFarms also allows growers to anonymously compare performance to other growers on sustainability metrics embedded from the Fieldprint®Platform—a pioneering sustainability assessment developed by Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture.

To help farmers easily track and measure their field level data, Wrangler funded the development of a cotton-grower interface on MyFarms and is providing125 MyFarms subscriptions to U.S. growers from initiatives such as e3, Better Cotton Initiative (USA), and Texas Alliance for Water Conservation, for the 2018 growing season.





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